Matching Math Terms
Kids love online flash games! They’re a great way for students to brush up on their math vocabulary
Base Ten Bingo
Every child loves bingo and this game reinforces their understanding of place values.Music is used to identify the correct answer,
Chalkboard Math
This game is great for practicing math problems. Music is incorporated trough sounds and a timer for speed. It is a fun game to test your addition and subtraction.
Action Fraction
Great game that uses addition of fractions to move the ca around the track. Music is used to make the game more entertaining for the students.
Monkey Drive
This is a game where students can practice multiplication problems and have racing the car. Music is played during the whole game.
Coffee Shop
This game allows students to see math applied to a real life situation while they have fun manipulating the variables.
Stun Attack Multiplication
This game reviews multiplication facts in a fun way. The student bops the head of the creatures that pop out of the hole in the ground. Music is playing throughout the whole game.
Scooter Quest
This is another game that helps students with place values and money. When the student answers the question correctly the boy will skate by and drop off the newspaper.
Number Lines
This game helps the students place numbers into the correct order on the number line. Music is used when the student clicks to release the ball.
The Great Shape Race
This game is great for teaching young students about shapes and how they work together. The music and narration make it fun for students to learn about math.